Party Week!

Good morning my friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did. I got to see so many of my friends, attend an awesome sacrament meeting, and PARTY. One big highlight of the week was church this Sunday. In our ward we have a lot of youth, which is awesome. President Prince, our branch president, assigned 5 youth to give talks and asked us to help them prepare. We weren't in our area a whole ton this week because we had a mission-wide Christmas party that we had to travel to, but we were still able to work with them to get their talks put together and it went so well. One thing I love about Elubo is the unique ways there are to build the kingdom. This was my first time helping recent converts prepare sacrament talks, but I absolutely loved it. It was so fun to help them put together their simple talks and so rewarding to hear the talks after they finished writing them. Elubo has a bright future if all these kids stay active. It was small stressful to get...