Here at Last!


Hey everybody! After 15ish hours of flying, I'm finally in Ghana. We took off from Salt Lake at 2:30 p.m. yesterday, had a layover in New York, and then took off from there at midnight. Saying goodbye to everyone was hard, but we'll all see each other again. I'll miss my district a lot. I also ran into Elder Syrett at the MTC on my last day! He's a good friend from my time working in Utah.

Ghana though. It's crazy here! Everything is so different. Once we arrived in Ghana, they loaded all 15 of us into a van and took us to the Ghana MTC. It's super nice, and reminds me a lot of the Provo MTC. The food is sooooo good. At least based on the dinner we had. 

It's been a wild 36 hours, and I'm pretty tired, but I'm happy to be here. I know that God is aware of me, and that he'll support me. Everything feels pretty strange, but I'm prepared to work. I was also to give away two book of Mormons on the way over! I had a really good talk with a woman named Ileen on the second flight, and I think there's a good chance she'll read the Book of Mormon I gave her. She really wants to find a church for her kids, and she liked the idea of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints after I answered some of her questions. She was so nice! We talked to lots of Ghanaians in the airport and they were all so friendly and kind. We had a few Twi Book of Mormons (twi is a language spoken in Ghana), and a few Elders gave one of those away as well! We've been very blessed. 

I have a new companion as well, named Elder Hueffner. He's a really good guy from California who also went to BYU before the mission. We're only here until Tuesday, but I'm excited to learn with him! 

I hope you all have a great week and remember that God loves you and he's with you. I've really felt that today. I had some complications with my paperwork, and it was looking like I might not be able to be here. I've never prayed harder in my life. I really want to be here teaching the people of Ghana. I prayed that that would happen.

It did! We met up with an Elder in New York who was coming to Ghana with us who still had his cellphone, since he did home MTC. I was able to call the church travel office and get things straightened out. Once we landed in Ghana, I was able to get the papers that I needed to get into the country. Even with jetlag, I felt as light as a feather once we made it through customs. I'm where I'm supposed to be! Things are going to be hard I'm sure, but with God's help, I'll make it through. 

I hope this email makes sense. I haven't slept very much in the last 36 hours lol. I love you all though! I'll talk to you on p-day. In the meantime I'll be blessing the rains. 😎
Elder Johnson


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