Big Boy Time

 Hello my friends! It's been an awesome week. So much has happened since the last time I did this. I'll just get right into it. 

Tuesday was my last full day with Elder Komiha, my incredible trainer. It's weird how you spend literally all your time within sight and sound of someone and share life-changing spiritual experiences with them and then all of a sudden you just say bye. I've learned so much from him and I'm glad I got to spend some time with him. 

Also, on Tuesday I got "soaked". Our mission has this weird culture thing where you get a bunch of water dumped on you when you finish your training. I wasn't super enthused about it and ran away, but I still got pretty wet. See below for pictures. 

Wednesday was TRANSFERS. I tried to act cool about everything but I was super nervous. I had no idea what to expect. We had a trainers and trainee meeting before the transfer meeting and I was sure to be extra nice to all the new missionaries because any one of them could've been my companion. 

It turns out I got the biggest one! My new companion is named Elder Seeley, and he's American which was kind of surprising.

Even more surprisingly, he's 6'7". The average height in Ghana is like 5'6" and the average skin color is quite a lot darker than both of us so we stick out a bit.  

We had an awesome week though. Our friends Elizabeth, Louis, and Justice are planning to be baptized this Saturday so we've been very busy getting things ready. We were also able to extend a baptismal date to Sister Grace, a woman we've been teaching since my second week here and Brother Yawson, a referral from the Stake Partriach. It's been so awesome. 

We've also done a TON of finding. Early in the day (from around 11 to 2) it's pretty hard to get lessons, and they often fall through when we do get them. From around 2-6ish when people usually tell us to come and then in the evening we can usually find 1 or 2 lessons and some member visits. We've done finding every morning/early afternoon this week and it's been incredible. We've met so many people who are interested in learning the gospel and Elder Seeley has been enjoying it. He's an incredible missionary and I'm so excited to be working with him. He has such a strong desire to do the right thing and is so good with directions, which I think is going to be a great blessing because I struggle with that sometimes. 

He's also an awesome teacher and is super motivated to do missionary work so I think we're gonna really get along. I'm excited for the next few transfers. I really hope we can be together for his whole training. 

We've relied on the Lord so much though. Even though I've been here for two transfers, there are still things I don't know. We've gotten lost. We forgot about an appointment. We haven't eaten very well (neither of us can cook in Ghana haha), and we've both struggled small small with adjusting to filling new roles, but it's been OK. Things have been working out. Some people like us even though we're out of touch and don't know fante. Lessons work out even though we don't always know what we're doing. God takes care of us, even when things aren't easy. 
We've had a good time though. Life is good and the church is true. If you see a couple of 6'4"+ white boys preaching the word in Cape Coast, you know who it is. 
Elder Johnson

1-3: me being soaked: a series
4. A couple of good looking servants of the Lord at their local meetinghouse. 
5. Mine and Elder Seeley's first attempt at being social media influencers. 
6. The big boys in front of a big church
7. The big boys in a pragya
8. 3 generation pic
9. Same as above
10. Me and my father


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