Powerful Baptisms...and also Cheeseburgers


Hello my friends! This email will not be long but hopefully it will be good. We'll see how it goes. 

This week was awesome. I loved every second of it. Elder Seeley loves working hard and is an incredible companion. We've had some awesome lessons and also a ton of fun.

This Saturday, Justice and Elizabeth were baptized. I'm so proud of them both. We've been teaching Justice for a long, long time and seeing him change as he has come closer to Christ has been the best thing ever. He's such a cool guy. He and his friend have a business where they sell phone cases and chargers and stuff right next to a busy road and every one of our lessons was behind his stand. Despite all the distractions and noise and wahala, he gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and the restoration and was baptized. It was so cool to witness. Elizabeth is going to be an incredible Relief Society President one day. Every Sunday she brings herself, her 3 nieces and nephews, and her younger brother to church. It's about a 30 minute walk but she gets them all there on time. And she's only like a month older than me! We taught and baptized Richmond and Rebecca, her younger brother and niece, and now she's followed them down the covenant path. It's been so cool to witness. 

And that's the thing. Watching people change and follow Christ is such a priceless experience. I wouldn't change anything about my life right now. Expect maybe my time management skills on p-day. The gospel is true!

Also, I ate a cheeseburger today! A member we know told us about this beach resort place that has a restaurant and we went and got burgers today for Elder Seeley's birthday (which is tomorrow). It was wicked expensive, but it was actually dang good. And the resort was so nice. 

Go give your mom a hug! 


Elder Johnson

1-2. Elder Freeman (from Liberia), Elder Seeley, Elder Kearsley, and me (from America)
3. The burger in question. I even made fry sauce. 
4. Elder Freeman with the first cheeseburger he's ever eaten (with his permission) 
5. Me and Elder Seeley with some of our gang
6. Us at the combined baptism (ward one and two) 
7-8. Ward two baptism
9. Us and justice
10. Us and Elizabeth 


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