Fufu, Exchanges, and Miracles

Good morning everyone! This week was so wonderful. God gave us some incredible people to teach this week, two great exchanges, and we were able to teach Anthony in person! Lots of miracles. 

The first highlight is that we we were able to have interviews with President Morgan on Thursday. The way we do it is we have Zone Council where we teach and learn and talk about missionary work while President pulls us out 2 at a time for interviews. One person talks to President while the other talks to Sister Morgan. Then we switch. It's so nice. They're both awesome so it's great. My interview with President helped me a lot. Talk about a man of God. I asked him a lot of questions that have been bothering me a little and he was able to help me with all of them. I also asked him if I could stay here for another transfer and he said he's down but that it's up to the Lord. So pray that I 6 month West Tanokrom. 

It was really great though. I was pretty stressed about the council and everyone being on time and our instruction being good and everything but we both prayed a lot and it ended up going OK. We were able to get rooms unlocked and missionaries where they needed to be. 

We also went on exchange with the Takoradi Elders and the Asakae Elders. I was with Elder Jenkins and Elder Bollschweiler respectively. They're both really cool. I learned a lot from Elder Jenkins. He told me that an obedience robot is not a successful missionary, which I kind of need to work on. We also laughed a lot and ate nice fufu which was great. Side note: on Saturday I ate fufu twice in the same day. We bought some for lunch and then our member who owns a big restaurant gave us some in the evening. It was a blessed day. 

Anyway, Elder Bollschweiler was amazing as always. Because he's my District leader and because this our third transfer in this zone together, this was our 4th exchange. He's such a good guy. He has such great desires and is ready to give his whole self to the Lord. Literally every single one of our planned appointments fell through that day but we were able to do a ton of finding as a result which helped me and Elder Jenkins to have a great day on Friday. It was cool.

This week we had some great teaching experiences teaching as well. Christie, who is Nigerian and was referred to us by the same member who gave us fufu this week, is so awesome and came to church for the third straight week. I love teaching her. We read part of 3 Nephi 11 with her on Saturday and her reaction really made me think. In that chapter, Jesus Christ descends from heaven and ministers to His believers in America. He stands in the midst of them and says, "Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world." They then go forth one by one and personally feel and be with the Savior. 

We read that part and Christie kind of pauses and thinks for a second and then starts talking about how lucky those people were and how she wishes she could've been there. I felt the Spirit really strong. Pray for Christie! We're gonna talk to her about baptism here pretty quick. 

Speaking of baptism, we were able to teach Anthony in person on Sunday! We've only taught him over the phone till then. That guy is so powerful. He's now been to church 10 times and we've almost taught him everything. He's very ready for baptism and it was such a miracle to teach him in person. We're teaching him tomorrow and his baptismal interview is on Thursday. Pray that he keeps both those appointments! 

We also had a big miracle on Tuesday. This is all out of order haha. We were walking down the road in our area and this lady passes us and smiles and is like hey, Latter-Day Saints! And we're like, yes that is us. We start talking to her and it turns out she was taught in Kweikuma, another area in our zone, and attended church there last Sunday! However, she moved that very week AND her phone broke so there's no way the Kweikuma Elders would've been able to find her again. We just happened to bump into her. And she stays right across the road from us! AND SHE CAME TO CHURCH! It was wild. We went to pick her up and she was kind of late so we didn't get there till 30 minutes after it started but she still came. And Christie and Olivia came as well. It was incredible. 

Sunday was a great day. Our whole stake fasted for Ghana because there's some crazy inflation going on here and things are hard. I love the faith of Ghanaians. 

The conclusion of this email is that this Gospel is true. It has to be. It wouldn't be this great if it wasn't. Prioritize your family, the gospel, and your personal knowledge, skills, and talents because those are the only things that you can take with you when you go. Read the Book of Mormon every day. I love you all! 

Elder Johnson

1. Pretty Ghana
2-6. Golfing excursion. Not gonna lie, I'm not that good at golf. I enjoyed it though. 


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