Exchanges and Changes


Good afternoon everyone. This was an interesting week. And we got to hear from God's true prophet which was incredible. We very often teach about prophets. We testify of true prophets and warn about false ones. In our mission we all have a little laminated picture of President Nelson that we use to teach about him and about continuing revelation and this week I used it a lot. It was so fun to teach about true prophets and testify of the prophet, Russel M. Nelson and then be able to add that he's going to talk to the world this week. Unfortunately, not all of the people we're teaching were as excited about it as me but we did have two people we're teaching watch a session which was great. And we ourselves of course enjoyed it a lot. We haven't finished everything because of the time difference but we will. 

As the title suggests, this week had some exchanges in it. I'll start there. I went on exchange with Elder Kankonde, a wonderful elder from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in his last transfer. It was cool to learn from someone who's almost done with their mission. He told me that I work hard which is good but that I goof off too much in district council, which is true. I promised to repent and we ate some delicious banku and coconuts to end the day. He's a great elder and is going to do great things in Congo. 

Our people are doing well. Alfred's baptism is this Saturday and Gifty said she still wants to get baptized. She was on date in January but traveled before she could get baptized so now that she's back we're hoping we can get things done quickly. She's powerful. We also had a really nice 14 year old kid named Isaac come to church who said he attended the church in another town in our mission for years when he was younger and wants to get baptized. Exciting stuff. 

Unfortunately I'm going to miss all that though because I'm going on transfer. It's OK though because I know the next place I go will also be great. I've learned a lot of stuff about the work and myself and relationships. My testimony (and clerical skills) have been strengthened here, and I've made some really great friends, but it feels right. I'm ready for a change. Hopefully a 4 man apartment with someone who can cook really well. We'll see what God will do. 

During conference one thing I heard and felt a lot about is covenants. I feel like I don't fully understand everything about them, but I know that they're powerful. I think kept covenants are the criteria for exaltation, and I want to more intentionally keep my covenants. 
That's another thing I've felt a lot lately. There's power in being intentional. It's easy to float sometimes--to do what feels easy. And sometimes that's in line with the gospel. Like at the beginning of my mission doing what I was supposed to kind of just happened. However, maintaining that has been an intentional quest. I think developing ourselves into Christ-like people and following Him needs to be more intentional. I want to intentionally do what is right. 

I love you all! 
Elder Johnson


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