Chicken Bones and Amazing Members

Hello my friends! Good morning. I hope everything is well with all of you. Thank you all for your prayers and emails. I know that they sustain me. In this week's email, I want to tell you about the people of Cape Coast 2nd Ward. There is so much faith here. I've never seen poverty in the US like I have in Ghana, but people are so much happier here. And they're way friendlier! Almost everyone we've talked to attends a church every Sunday. If someone is already committed to Christ and willing to put in the work to follow him, it's a lot easier to teach them. And the members! Holy cow they're incredible. There are a few I want to highlight: Brother Michael, Sister Sarah, and our friend Paul. Brother Michael is the only member among his siblings. He was converted to the gospel in 2013ish and served a mission soon after. When he returned from his mission, his number one goal was to help his family receive the gospel. And he's doing that! We've been teac...