Transfers and Big Thoughts


Hello my friends! This week was really good. We planned some fire activities and stuff that went really well. We just came from the 1st inaugural Cape Coast combined YSA FHE, and it was a smashing success, thanks to a lot of help from the Lord. Elder Komiha and I are really good at things like eating and trying our best, but planning things far in advance is something we're still working on. It's OK though, because things worked out. We ended up having a solid group of YSA and Paul (our incredible ward missionary) brought a non-member friend who wants to learn more! And we have some leftover cookies from the refreshments we brought so we are blessed. 

We also tried organizing a conference-watching extravaganza this weekend because many people don't have access to conference, but couldn't get a key because our Bishop was out of town. Luckily, the ward one Elders were able to get one and we combined with them to watch conference at the Chapel. Because of the time change and how expensive Internet is, we haven't yet watched it all, but we are excited to continue when it gets posted to gospel library. 

Also, Justice, one of our best friends who is going to be baptized on the 16th, watched two sessions all on his own! Tomorrow we're going to go and visit him and ask him about his experience, which I'm so excited for. I was so excited to hear that he watched it. He's doing so well. Definitely a powerful Elder's Quorum President in the making.
Also, as you can see from the title, transfers came this week! I'm staying in Cape Coast and Elder Komiha is leaving, which really surprised us both. We were sure he would stay and I would go. I'm not complaining though. I'll miss Elder Komiha, but I'm so glad to be staying here. I love this area and the people in it so, so much. I know how things work here, which is good because I also received some other exciting news. 

I'm going to be training! I received the news yesterday evening and about threw up. I'm a little overwhelmed by the thought of having someone depend on me that much, but I know I wouldn't have been called if it wasn't the right thing. God won't ask me to do something I'm not capable of doing. 

That's all for this week. I love you all! 

Elder Johnson

1-2. Me drinking a malt (non-alcoholic of course) that was really gross that a lady we did service for gave me. I ended up throwing most of it away but it was quite the experience. 
4. Pretty sunset
5. Me and Elder Komiha listening to conference on the go. We were coming from an appointment while it was going on so we just listened and walked at the same time. 
6. The 300 or so spring rolls that me and Elder Komiha filled and rolled for the lady that gave us the malt. It was probably the most fun service I've ever done. And in addition to the malt, she also fried 3 spring rolls each for us and gave us a time we could come and teach her, so we felt like we won. 
7. From left: me, Elder Juliasse, Elder Kearsley, Elder Komiha, Elder Gassaway, and Elder Eaton at the conference-watching extravaganza. Other members showed up, I promise. 
8. For my grandma to prove that I'm eating well. Pancakes and salad for the win. 😎

P.s. sorry for the lack of big thoughts. 


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