Pizza and Peace

Good evening everyone! I hope you all had an awesome week. Ours was great. Some highlights were transfers (mostly just because our apartment is still awesome), MLC, and some awesome experiences with some people we're teaching. 

First of all, Blessing is going to get baptized! She's the daughter of Sarah, an incredible recent convert who I love who we've been working with a lot. The delay has been because Blessing's dad hasn't given his permission for her to be baptized yet. However, Sarah talked to him about it and told us he was good. We weren't sure if that was enough or if we needed to talk to him ourselves too, so we had President Morgan talk to her today while he was here for stake conference and he said we're good to baptize her! She's such a smart kid and she's very ready to get baptized. She agreed to be baptized on the 25th, and we've made plans to teach her everything before then but pray that it'll all work out. 
Another miracle today was that Enoch, the grandson of our Relief Society President who has been coming to church for like a year but hasn't been taught wants to meet with us! Yay! Our first lesson probably won't be till next week but I'm so hyped for that. He's such a great guy who's already like the core of our active YSA and I'm hoping he'll be willing to learn fast so he can get baptized. That was a big answer to our prayers. We've been trying for months to teach him but there were some family issues that have been making it hard so that was a big miracle. 

We also had our MLC this week and it was incredible. I felt really deeply that I need to build better relationships with those I serve around, even if they don't progress. Like love less selfishly. Sister Morgan talked recently about not being transactional in our relationships and interactions. Like it shouldn't be, I'll serve so you'll do this for me, or I'll act like I love you so you come to church. Like we should just love people no matter what. We should still focus our time and effort on those who are ready to receive the gospel and not slack off, but we should love genuinely. I want to do more of that. 

One thing I've felt this week is the confidence a testimony of the restored gospel can bring. I was talking with my companion, the great Elder Liljenquist, about how even though things are hard and we will lose those we love and trials will come, we know that the end is a happy one if we live the gospel correctly. That brings me so much peace. 

I've also really seen how awesome Ghana is. This is such a blessed place. Twice yesterday we were teaching some youth outside and more and more kept joining. By the end there were like 10 people listening. And that happened twice! It's not always like that, but it shows how much Ghanaians love their Savior. For one of the times, we were trying to track down a kid who told us to come teach him after we gave him a pamphlet with our number on it. We entered the compound and asked for the boy because that's the only name we knew. The guy we were talking to got kind of defensive and I immediately realized he was the kid's father. We quickly explained that we were there to teach the gospel and his whole attitude changed. We were still two strange obronis in white shirts and ties looking for his 12-year-old son, but once he knew we were there to teach the gospel, he welcomed us. Ghana is so cool. 

Also, because this week was transfers, 3 new missionaries moved into our apartment. Elder Jewett from Washington, Elder High from Idaho, and Elder Muwawa from DR Congo are here and are so awesome. Elder Jewett and Elder High are guys I've looked up to my whole mission, and now I'm serving with them! Elder Muwawa started his mission in Congo but is new in Ghana. His English is really good though! The Spirit in this apartment now is so cool. We all just want to work and it feels so good. Also we deep cleaned and reorganized our house and it looks so good. Life is good. 

I know this thing I'm doing in Ghana is right. The church is true, God is real, and Jesus Christ is His Son. Russell Nelson is prophet. Understanding and living the gospel is the only way to have real peace in this life and happiness in the next. Love you all! 

Elder Johnson

1. FUFU! 
2. me, Elder Amevor (the most powerful man I know who is now a zone leader), and Elder Niska, my role model. 
3. Me and Elder Liljenquist, my other role model. We're both chunking up lately lol. The city is blessed. Many pizza opportunities 
4-5. Pretty Tadi
6. The brethren on the way to stake conference yesterday. 6 man apartments are awesome. 
7. Me and all my TCs (those who started their missions with me) at MLC. Yeah we're pretty sic. 


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